Wollo Uiversity(Strive for quality)
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Wollo Uiversity
About Wollo Uiversity:

Wollo University is one of the federal universities built among a group of 2nd generation Universities in Ethiopia. Being located in the South Wollo Zone of the Amhara State, the University is designed to be a center of learning and research in a wide range of fields to meet the growing demand of trained manpower of the country. The University is at the center of an area characterized by archaeological, anthropological and historical achievements and diverse ethnic and religious groups known for their harmonious coexistence. The area has also featured rich cultural and literary traditions and accomplishments as, for instance, four of the country’s musical notes found their origin therein and many name worthy people of letters, the performing arts and philosophy emerged. Dessie, having a population of no less than 300,000 and tucked in the Ethiopian highlands of some >2,500 meters in height, is a commercial hub serving a catchment of some seven million people. Kombolcha is an evolving city and has recently been designated as one of the industrial zones of the country. It has a population of no less than 90,000. It, being in the midlands of lower altitude, is served by a modern airport and is 450 kilometers away from the seaport of Djibouti along the Red Sea Coast. Soon Kombolcha will be served by a cross country railway chain connecting it to Djibouti. Wollo University is located at Dessie in the Amhara region of South Wollo, Ethiopia, and is one of the recently founded universities in 2005. The University has two campuses, one at Dessie and the other at Kombolcha towns. The Dessie campus consists of College of Natural Sciences, College of Agriculture, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Business and Economics, College of Social Science and Humanities, School of Veterinary Medicine, School of Law and Institute of Teacher Education and Pedagogical Science. The Kombolcha campus is named as Kombolcha Institute of Technology (KIOT) for engineering and informatics. The University was established with a vision to impart quality education to the Ethiopian community to cater to their up-liftment and to accelerate the industrial and social development of the country. Wollo University is a fast growing institute that envisioned to be one of the top leading University in Ethiopia and in East Africa at large in the following decade. Thus, it strives for quality education, research and community service. The University is now expanding its scope to Knowledge dissemination through research outputs by establishing online journals. The university has finalized all necessary preconditions to launch two online Journals, namely Abyssinia Journal of Science and Technology (AJST) & Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences (AJBS). Source: https://wu.edu.et/wu-at-a-glance/

Established in :

Jun 04, 2007

Member in:

Aug 05, 2020

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A standards-based curriculum refers explicitly to specific knowledge, learning experiences to gain that knowledge, and assessments to check for mastery of that knowledge, developed by looking at the standards of a district, state, or nation.

Regular Program

Extension Program

A standards-based curriculum refers explicitly to specific knowledge, learning experiences to gain that knowledge, and assessments to check for mastery of that knowledge, developed by looking at the standards of a district, state, or nation.

Summer Program

A standards-based curriculum refers explicitly to specific knowledge, learning experiences to gain that knowledge, and assessments to check for mastery of that knowledge, developed by looking at the standards of a district, state, or nation.

Distance Program

A standards-based curriculum refers explicitly to specific knowledge, learning experiences to gain that knowledge, and assessments to check for mastery of that knowledge, developed by looking at the standards of a district, state, or nation.