Today, Wolo University handed over....
Today, Wolo University handed over the honorary doctorate that it had given in 2008 to Queen Ambassela artist Maritu Legese, who has made a significant contribution in the field of art.
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Today, Wolo University handed over the honorary doctorate that it had given in 2008 to Queen Ambassela artist Maritu Legese, who has made a significant contribution in the field of art.

The President of Wollo University Dr. Mengesha Ayene said at the ceremony that the university is working to develop the culture and values ​​of Wollo and pass it on to the next generation. He said that the awarding of honorary doctorates in respect of the debts she has left for the nation is important in producing successor artists. Artist Maritu Legse is not only she promoted Wollo but also promoted Ethiopia in the country and abroad but also played a significant role in the unity of Ethiopians, he said. Sources: