Welcome Amhara Universities Forum

Amhara Universities Forum was established in september 1, 2000

Agricultural Research and Training Platform (ARTP) was established in November, 2012 Changed its name to the Forum for Higher Educational Institutes in Amhara Region (FHEIAR) Member of the Forum 1. 10 member universities 2. Key actors-ANRS Bureaus, NGOs, Research Institutes, etc. Purpose of the forum a. to create a dynamic platform for research coordination, resource mobilization (human and material), rendering community engagement, TT, promote interchange and cooperation among universities and partners for the betterment of the community in the Amhara National Regional State. b. The Forum enables the member universities to address developmental challenges and become an effective voice in regional and national discourse.

To enhance the quality and relevance of higher education in Ethiopia and strengthen its contribution to Regional and national development.

The Forum for Higher Education Institutes in Amhara Region (FHEIAR) envisions to be one of the leading higher education forum in Ethiopia in terms of fostering socio-economic development of the country at large and Amhara region in particular through enhancing outstanding Quality of Education, research, Innovation, IK TT and community engagement by 2025. Moto: Together, we can make a difference”

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the Forum for Higher Education Institutes in Amhara Region?

The FHEIAR is a forum established by the ten public universities of the federal government in Amhara Universities.

How the Forum works?

The Forum highly engaged in facilitating demand driven research, community service, and technology transfer with close relationship of various regional bureaus, NGOs and other actors

Who are the key actor or partners?

The major key partners of the Forum are 1. Regional government 2. Regional bureaus 3. Research Institutes 4. NGOs 5. Academia associations, societies and forums 6. etc

What is the source of budget?

The sources of budget currently is the annual contribution fee of each universities. The grant search from national and international organizations as well as cost sharing of the partners.